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  2. Database of billboards
  3. Other in location Spořilovská (Türkova), Praha 4


in location Spořilovská (Türkova), Praha 4


50 - 100m


min. 1 calendar month

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Basic parameters

Billboard ID 222284
Type of billboard Other
Panel position Vertically

Rental prices depend on the number of ordered billboards and a length of rental period. You will receive a specific quotation as a response to your demand.

Among other outdoor advertising we include everything is not a billboard format, CLV or a bigboard and is located outdoors or in the interiors of shopping centers, post offices, fitness, medical facilities, etc. These are, for example, advertising benches, signs on public lighting poles, interior benches or advertising in public transport. This type of advertising is usually of a different size than a billboard. Rental of these media can be different for each type.

Billboards in the area

No billboards found in the area.

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